Crown of Thorns
Matt 27:29 - They 'plaited' a crown of thorns which means 'woven together'. A crown was worn by kings and commonly made from precious stones and metals. To ridicule the idea that Jesus was a king they probably plucked up the nearest thorn-bush and made it into something resembling a royal crown to mock him further.
The soldiers hit Jesus over the head with a stick?
| True | False |
For what of Christ's did the soldiers cast lots?
| Clothes | Donkey | Cross | Jewels |
At the crucifixion of Jesus, for how long was there darkness over the land?
| 6 hours | 3 hours | 1 hour | 24 hours |
Darkness covered the land for six hours during the crucifixion?
| True | False |
Mary Magdalene watched the crucifixion of Jesus?
| False | True |
What was the name of the place where Jesus Christ was crucified?
| Gerasa | Gethsemane | Golgotha | Machpelah |
What equipment did Gideon issue to his soldiers?
| A trumpet, a pitcher and a torch | A sword, a shield and a helmet | The ark of God, a sword and a trumpet | Slings and stones |
Which king of Bashan was killed by the army of Moses, along with all his soldiers?
| Og | Jair | Sihon | Machir |
Who had a dream about birds eating from a basket on his head?
| Joseph | Pharaoh | Pharaoh's baker | Pharaoh's butler |
David and Abishai crept into Saul's tent at night and took a spear and what other item from beside his head?
| Cloak | Silver plate | Water jug | Oil lamp |