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1 Ki 21:1
What lie was told about Naboth that led to him being stoned and Ahab taking possession of his vineyard?
| He had blasphemed against God and the king | He had raped the king's daughter | He had stolen the king's cattle | He had failed to pay his taxes |
What did Ahab do when Elijah told him of God's anger at the murder of Naboth?
| Chased him out of the palace | Laughed | Repented | Threw a spear at him |
Which king wanted Naboth's vineyard?
| Ahab | Arioch | Jehoram | Zimri |
Which King took possession of Naboth's vineyard?
| Cyrus | Zechariah | Ahab | Josiah |
Who was told to take large stones and bury them underneath the pavement outside the entrance to Pharaoh's palace?
| Isaiah | Aaron | Jeremiah | Moses |
Complete the quote: "This people honours me with their ___ but their heart is far from me."
| Sacrifices | Ears | Lips | Hands |
After seeing the destruction of Jericho and Ai, the inhabitants of which city pretended to be travellers from a far off land to make a covenant of peace with the Israelites?
| Gidom | Gibeon | Gath | Gilead |
Who did Jesus say was not far from the Kingdom of God?
| One of the Scribes | One of the Sadducees | One of the disciples | One of the Pharisees |
How was Naboth killed?
| Stoned | Hanged | Stabbed | Burnt |