1 Ki 19:16
In the parable of the good father, if a son asks for an egg, what would the good father not give him?
| A scorpion | A mouse | A fish | A stone |
What was the first miracle performed by Elisha?
| Raising woman's son | Healing Naaman | Parting of the river Jordan | Oil for widow |
What does the name "Elisha" mean?
| my God is faithful | my God is king | my God is joyful | my God is salvation |
What happened to forty-two of the children who made fun of Elisha's baldness?
| A swarm of bees attacked them | They fell into a pit of quicksand | Two bears came out of the woods and killed them | They were struck by lightning and killed |
What did Elisha throw into Jericho's water supply to "heal" it?
| Bitter herbs | Salt | A branch | Milk |
Naaman was instructed by Elisha to dip himself in the river Jordan ____ times
What of Elijah's was left behind after his was taken away from Elisha by the whirlwind?
| Cloak | Staff | Bag | Sandals |
Who was the prophet that anointed Elisha?
| Jeremiah | Elijah | Isaiah | Ezekiel |
What was thrown over Elisha at his calling?
| A cloak | Salt | Water | Blood |