2 Ki 4:43
How many loaves did Jesus use to feed the 4,000?
After Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal, what other ritual did the prophets try to gain Baal's attention?
| Sang hymns | Cut themselves with knives | Beat their chests with sticks | Danced around the altar |
Jesus took ____ loaves and two fishes to feed the 5,000
Five loaves and two fish were used to feed the 5,000
| True | False |
Jesus used two loaves and five fishes to feed the 4,000
| False | True |
How many prophets of the goddess Asherah were called to Mt Carmel for Elijah's sacrificial challenge to the prophets of Baal?
| 450 | 550 | 500 | 400 |
Who was sold as a slave to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver?
| Judas | Jeremiah | Joseph | Jesus |
Why do the four and twenty elders in Revelation give thanks to God?
| God has taken his power and commenced his reign | God has shown the Lamb of God to the world | God opened the seventh seal | God has destroyed that old serpent, the devil |
There are twenty nine books in the New Testament
| False | True |
How many loaves did Christ mention when he spoke about a hungry friend arriving at midnight?
| Three | Two | Four | One |