Acts 7:58 - Saul, first a persecutor, became Paul the apostle.
Stephen was stoned to death
| True | False |
After the death of Stephen and the persecution of the church, to which city did Philip first travel?
| Samaria | Judea | Galilee | Decapolis |
Which disciple looked after Mary, after the death of Jesus?
| James | Peter | Simon | John |
A man named Stephen of Cyrene was ordered to help carry the cross of Jesus?
| True | False |
What was the name of the centurion who looked after Paul on the journey to Rome?
| Quartus | Julius | Augustus | Tertius |
Which tribe of Israel looked after the religious aspects of life?
| Asher | Levi | Dan | Benjamin |
Which prophet said that old men will dream and young men will see visions?
| Ezekiel | Amos | Joel | Micah |
Who are described as "mighty men" and "men of renown" in Genesis 6?
| The descendants of Cain | The sons of Enoch | Noah's sons | The Nephilim |
What lie was told about Naboth that led to him being stoned and Ahab taking possession of his vineyard?
| He had raped the king's daughter | He had stolen the king's cattle | He had failed to pay his taxes | He had blasphemed against God and the king |
Which apostle, described as full of grace and power, and doing great wonders and signs among the people was stoned to death?
| Timothy | Barnabas | Paul | Stephen |