Acts 18:1,5 - Paul arrives in Corinth, joined by Timothy & Silas who have come from Macedonia.
Paul and Silas were imprisoned during the second missionary journey, but in what city did this happen?
| Philippi | Antioch | Paphos | Troas |
Why were the masters of the soothsayer in Acts 16 unhappy with Paul and Silas?
| Paul cursed her with an evil spirit | Paul took the girl with him on his travels | Paul had the girl thrown in prison | Paul commanded the spirit of divination to leave her |
What event occured to help release Paul and Silas from prison?
| Whirlwind | Riot | Earthquake | Flood |
To where did Paul & Silas flee?
| Berea | Amphipolis | Thessalonica | Appolonia |
In which city did Jesus meet Zacchaeus?
| Samaria | Jerusalem | Galilee | Jericho |
On Paul's journey to Rome, at what location did he meet brethren whom he thanked God for?
| Malta | Syracuse | Rome | Appii forum |
Paul, Timothy and who else sent their greetings to Thessalonica?
| Titus | Barnabas | Peter | Silvanus |
As Jesus entered a village while going between Samaria and Galilee, how many lepers did he meet?
| Four | Ten | Seven | Eighteen |