Read the history books
Esther 6:1
What did Jesus sleep in after he was born?
| Bed | Cot | Straw | Manger |
In the Bible or Not? : "Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare."
| Bible | Not |
Who went to sleep during one of Paul's sermons and fell out of the window?
| Sapphira | Tabitha | Tychicus | Eutychus |
What did Paul do when he couldn't bear to be away from the brethren at Thessalonica any longer?
| Sent Timothy to encourage them | Sailed from Athens to visit them | Wrote them a letter | Prayed for God to comfort him |
God told man that he couldn't drink from the River Euphrates?
| True | False |
What type of stones couldn't be taken as security on a loan?
| Cornerstones | Tombstones | Millstones | Precious stones |
What couldn't be eaten at Passover?
| Salt | Milk | Leaven | Lamb |
After David was anointed king of Judah, who was made king of Israel?
| Menahem | Baasah | Ishbosheth | Nadab |
Which Queen was the granddaughter of King Omri of Israel and mother of King Ahaziah of Judah?
| Makeda | Jezebel | Athaliah | Hadara |