Acts 20:9 - Eutychus, a young man of Troas.
Who fell asleep during Paul's talk and fell out of the window?
| Eutychus | Gaius | Alexander | Demetrius |
Who went to sleep during one of Paul's sermons and fell out of the window?
| Sapphira | Tabitha | Tychicus | Eutychus |
Tychicus fell out of the window and died during one of Paul's long sermons
| False | True |
Who sat at a window and fell asleep while Paul was preaching?
| Timothy | Aeneas | Onesimus | Eutychus |
In which gospel would you find... A Young Man with a Linen Garment?
| Mark | John | Matthew | Luke |
During Paul's first missionary journey, who left Paul and Barnabas to return to Jerusalem?
Who sent a raven out of a window?
| Jezebel | Noah | Elijah | Ahab |