Acts 16:1,3 - so Paul circumcised Timothy so the Jews would accept what he had to preach.
What nationality was Timothy's father?
| Jewish | Greek | Roman | Egyptian |
What was Esther's nationality?
| Median | Persian | Jewish | Egyptian |
Out of the ten lepers Jesus healed, what nationality was the one who returned to thank him?
| Samaritan | Roman | Assyrian | Jew |
Of what nationality was Moses' wife?
| Canaanite | Midianite | Egyptian | Israelite |
In which city did Silas and Timothy meet up with Paul?
| Corinth | Athens | Antioch | Rome |
What does the name Timothy mean?
| rejoicing in God | honouring God | praising God | saved by God |
Complete the Bible reference : For the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy Ch __ vs 10)
What was Timothy advised to take to help with his illnesses?
| Figs | Milk | Honey | Wine |
In whom did Timothy's faith first dwell?
| Tabitha | Lydia | Anna | Lois |