Matt 11:19
Who was the first person recorded as getting drunk?
| Noah | Lot | Reuben | Pharaoh |
Who was the first person in the Bible recorded as getting drunk?
| Adam | Lot | Abraham | Noah |
The firstborn of Adam and Eve was called Abel?
| False | True |
Zacharias and Elizabeth were told by an angel that they would have a son. What was he to be called?
| Luke | Jesus | John | Matthew |
What did Peter and John heal the man of at the temple gate called Beautiful?
| Dumbness | Blindness | Lameness | Unclean spirits |
After Jesus called Simon and Andrew to follow him, which town's synagogue did they go into?
| Gennesaret | Capernaum | Cana | Nazareth |
By what name did God want Solomon to be called?
| Maaseiah | Elasah | Jedidiah | Hananiah |
The field that Judas Iscariot purchased with his betrayal money was called Aceldama, but as what was it also known?
| Field of Iniquity | Field of Bones | Field of Blood | Field of Sin |