Lev 24:5-6 - They were renewed each Sabbath.
When Jesus was in the wilderness, what was he tempted to turn into loaves of bread?
| Stones | Serpents | Shoes | Sand |
The Table of Nations in Genesis 10 lists the descendants of Noah's sons. How many nations are mentioned in total?
| 70 | 100 | 30 | 50 |
Which animals skins, dyed red, were used as an offering to help make the tabernacle?
| Goats | Lambs | Rams | Badgers |
Who were the only two Israelites who left Egypt and were allowed to enter the Promised Land?
| Moses and Aaron | Joshua and Caleb | Aaron and Miriam | Moses and Joshua |
Five loaves and two fish were used to feed the 5,000
| True | False |
How many men did the twenty loaves from the man from Baal-Shalishah feed?
| 5000 | 1000 | 50 | 100 |
How many loaves did Christ mention when he spoke about a hungry friend arriving at midnight?
| One | Two | Four | Three |
How many loaves did Jesus use to feed the 4,000?
Joseph seated his brothers at his table in Egypt in order of their age?
| True | False |
Fearing that Saul wanted to kill him, what lie did David ask Jonathan to tell his father if asked why he wasn't at the king's table for the New Moon feast?
| He was moving his flocks to new pastures | He had gone to deliver an urgent message to his uncle | He was ill | He had gone to Bethlehem for a family gathering |