Acts 9:36 - a name meaning gazelle.
Tabitha was also known as Dorcas
| False | True |
The disciple Thomas was also known as Didymus, but what does this mean?
| Twin | Faithful | Wise | Doubter |
The field that Judas Iscariot purchased with his betrayal money was called Aceldama, but as what was it also known?
| Field of Bones | Field of Iniquity | Field of Blood | Field of Sin |
What is the meaning of both Dorcas and Tabitha?
| fawn | doe | gazelle | deer |
Which disciple's name means "manly"?
| Matthew | Peter | James | Andrew |
What is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus?
| Simon Peter | Andrew | Bartholomew | Judas Iscariot |
What was Peter's original name before he became known as Peter?
| Jonah | Paul | Simon | Silas |
What was the name of the angel who appeared twice to Daniel and also to Mary, mother of Jesus?
| Uriel | Raphael | Gabriel | Michael |