Exo 34 / 1 Ki 19 / Matt 4
Who fasted for 40 days upon Mt Sinai?
| David | Jesus | Moses | Elijah |
What happened to forty-two of the children who made fun of Elisha's baldness?
| Two bears came out of the woods and killed them | They fell into a pit of quicksand | They were struck by lightning and killed | A swarm of bees attacked them |
What was Jesus tempted to turn into bread while he fasted in the wilderness?
| Stones | Dust of the ground | Cacti | His sandals |
Israel wandered in the wilderness for forty years
| True | False |
Name someone who was struck dumb
Which army challenged Israel to choose someone to fight against their champion, Goliath?
| Assyrians | Babylonians | Philistines | Edomites |
Under the Mosaic law, what was the punishment for someone who hit their father?
| Flogging | Death | Exile | Imprisonment |
What did Samson do the Philistines' crops after discovering his bride had been given to someone else?
| Burned them | Ploughed them back into the ground | Trampled them | Stole them |
What does Jesus say someone who wants to follow him must do?
| Read the scriptures daily, and apply them to your life | Deny himself, take up his cross, and follow him | Leave friends and family behind and sell all their possessions | Have a righteous heart and mind, and do the will of his Father |
How were the family warned that someone wanted to kill Jesus?
| A star appeared in the sky | By a messenger | An angel came and visited them | In a dream |