Eze 3 / Luke 1
Who after seeing a vision of an angel was struck dumb until his son was born and named?
| Jeremiah | Athaliah | Zechariah | Hezekiah |
Name someone who fasted for forty days
Who was first to be struck blind?
| Syrian army | Job | Men of Sodom | Saul |
Gehazi was struck with leprosy
| False | True |
What happened when Moses struck the rock at Horeb?
| The Israelite army went into battle | His staff broke | Water gushed out | It began to rain |
What natural disaster struck Job's sheep before they were destroyed?
| Drowned in a flood | Attacked by wolves | Fire from the sky | Killed by thieves |
Which army challenged Israel to choose someone to fight against their champion, Goliath?
| Assyrians | Babylonians | Edomites | Philistines |
Under the Mosaic law, what was the punishment for someone who hit their father?
| Flogging | Exile | Death | Imprisonment |
What did Samson do the Philistines' crops after discovering his bride had been given to someone else?
| Ploughed them back into the ground | Stole them | Trampled them | Burned them |