Gen 2:2
Which day of creation included God making night separate from day?
| First | Third | Fourth | Second |
On which day of creation did God create birds?
| 5th | 4th | 2nd | 3rd |
On which day of creation did God create fruit-bearing trees?
| Fifth | Third | Fourth | Sixth |
On which day of the creation did God create trees and plants?
| First | Second | Fourth | Third |
On which day of creation did God create the expanse, separating waters above and below?
| 4th | 2nd | 3rd | 1st |
God created birds and fish on the fifth day of creation
| True | False |
God rested on the 8th day of creation
| True | False |
What phrase is repeated at the end of each creation day to signify its completion?
| And it was so | And there was evening, and there was morning | It was good | Let there be light |
Which of the following was not explicitly created on the sixth day of creation?
| Beasts of the earth | Cattle | Birds | Humans |
What important principle did God establish by the creation of man and woman?
| Working together | Caring for nature | Marriage for life | Love for others |