Gen 5:5
Name a man who lived for more than 900 years
Abraham lived for more than 900 years
| True | False |
What was the name of the garden where Adam and Eve lived?
| Garden of Babylon | Garden of Gethsemane | Garden of Eden | Garden of Paradise |
Fill in the missing number : Jacob lived in the land of Egypt for ____ years.
Fill in the missing number : Methuselah lived for ____ years and then died.
How many years did Adam live for?
| 930 years | 600 years | 777 years | 969 years |
Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign over Judah
| True | False |
In the Bible or Not? : "Too long have I lived among those who hate peace."
| Bible | Not |
Which of these Old Testament prophets lived during the reign of King Josiah?
| Micah | Amos | Jeremiah | Malachi |
Zacchaeus lived in Capernaum
| True | False |