Gen 10:8-9
In which parable that Jesus told did the farmer tell himself to relax, eat, drink and be merry?
| The Master and Servant | The Rich Fool | The Sower | The Rich man and Lazarus |
Joseph helped interpret the dreams of a farmer and a baker while in prison?
| True | False |
Which of these cities was not part of Nimrod's kingdom?
| Accad | Erech | Babel | Haran |
Which of the judges was a wheat farmer?
| Ehud | Othniel | Samson | Gideon |
Who was the father of Nimrod, the mighty hunter?
| Cush | Mizraim | Canaan | Ham |
Which city is mentioned as one of the principal cities of Nimrod's kingdom?
| Uruk | Nineveh | Sidon | Tyre |