Gen 14:18
When the apostles were imprisoned by the high priest, at what time of day did the angel release them?
| Night | Dawn | Sunset | Midday |
Who is the first priest mentioned in the Bible?
| Aaron | Eli | Samuel | Melchizedek |
What is the first jewel to be listed that was on the high priest's breast plate?
| Sardius | Topaz | Jasper | Jacinth |
Which high priest is Zechariah told to crown?
| Zadok | Hilkiah | Joshua | Eliashib |
Who was the father in law of Caiaphas, the high priest at the time of Jesus death?
| Pontius Pilate | Justus | Julius | Annas |
Christ was led away to which high priest first?
| Annas | Vitellius | Josephus | Caiaphas |
What colour was the priest's robe of the ephod?
Who reformed the temple and the religion of the land as a result of the High Priest finding a lost book of the Law?
| Josiah | Ahaziah | Jehoahaz | Amon |
Which king was hidden by a priest?
| Josiah | Jobab | Jareb | Joash |
How long would a priest lock up a person suspected of having leprosy?
| One day | Fourteen days | One month | Seven days |