Gen 25:24
Who were the first twins?
| Ephraim & Manasseh | Jacob & Esau | Perez & Zerah | Ishmael & Isaac |
Whose wife went into labour and gave birth on hearing the news that the Ark of God was captured and that her father-in-law and husband were dead?
| Hophni's | Ichabod's | Phinehas' | Eli's |
Who gave birth to a son, following her prayer to God in the temple, during which the priest accused her of drunkenness?
| Rachel | Rebekah | Hannah | Elisabeth |
Abraham's servant met Rebekah by a well?
| True | False |
Who looked out of a window and saw Isaac and Rebekah hugging and kissing?
| Abraham | Abimelech | Rachel | Jacob |
In which city did Paul heal the man who was crippled from birth?
| Lystra | Damascus | Antioch | Jericho |
What was noticable about Jacob's twin brother, Esau, at birth?
| He was red and hairy | He was small and scrawny | He came out kicking and screaming | He was large and ugly |
Who was the king of Judea at the time of Jesus' birth?
| Herod Agrippa I | Herod Philip | Herod the Great | Herod Antipas |
What did the prophet Micah say about Jesus' birth?
| He would be laid in a manger | He would be visited by shepherds | He would be raised in Nazareth | He would be born in Bethlehem |
What was the name of the old prophetess who saw Jesus in the temple when he was presented to the Lord after his birth?
| Huldah | Deborah | Anna | Hannah |