Gen 28:12 - He saw angels going up and down a ladder
Which Parable is this from? : Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side.
| Good Samaritan | Alert servants | Humbled guest | Friend at midnight |
While Jacob was dreaming of a ladder reaching to heaven what was he using as a pillow for his head?
| Flask of water | Camel bag | Stone | Sheepskin |
Jacob had a dream at Bethel, but what did he dream about?
| That he would bow down to his son | A ladder reaching up to heaven | A fiery chariot with angels riding horses | That he would be made into a great nation, and have many children |
In a dream at Bethel, what does God tell Jacob his descendants would be like?
| The fish of the sea | The stars in the heavens | The sand of the shore | The dust of the earth |
After the last supper, what did Jesus and his disciples do before going to the Mount of Olives?
| Sung a hymn | Changed their shoes | Offered a sacrifice | Read the prophecy of Daniel |
Who did God come to in a dream at night telling him not to say anything to Jacob, good or bad?
| Esau | Laban | Joseph | Moses |
What did Jacob see in a dream reaching up to heaven?
| Cloud | Statue | Tree | Ladder |