Gen 29:20-30 - Jacob married Leah after 7 years labour, then was given Rachel a week later, in return for promising to work another 7 years for Laban
What did Rachel steal from her father, Laban, when she left home with her husband Jacob?
| Laban's household gods | Laban's family jewels | Laban's money | Laban's favourite camel |
Who deceived Jacob by giving Leah as a wife instead of Rachel?
| Terah | Laban | Isaac | Lot |
Who served Laban for 20 years?
| Jacob | Isaac | Abraham | Joshua |
Why did Jacob flee to live with Laban?
| He had sinned against God | He had stolen from his father | Abimelech wanted his wife | Esau wanted to kill him |
Who asked for all the dark coloured sheep from Laban's flock as payment for service to him?
| Esau | Joseph | Jacob | Abraham |
Laban had three daughters?
| True | False |
Which one of these children was born to Rachel?
| Naphtali | Asher | Joseph | Reuben |
How many years did Jacob live for?
| 130 | 147 | 153 | 199 |