Gen 40:5 - It was a baker and a cupbearer
In prison, for whom did Joseph interpret dreams?
| The jailer and his wife | The butler and the baker | The captain of the guard | Pharaoh |
When Joseph was in prison, whose dream did he correctly interpret to mean he would be restored to his job?
| Baker | Butler | Cook | Chief magician |
How many baskets did Pharaoh's baker see in his dream?
| 3 | 12 | 6 | 2 |
In which parable that Jesus told did the farmer tell himself to relax, eat, drink and be merry?
| The Sower | The Rich man and Lazarus | The Master and Servant | The Rich Fool |
What did Potiphar's wife falsely accuse Joseph of which caused him to be thrown into prison?
| Rape | Blasphemy | Theft | Murder |
Nimrod was a farmer?
| False | True |
Which of the judges was a wheat farmer?
| Othniel | Gideon | Samson | Ehud |
Who came to Peter late at night and helped him escape?
| Jesus | An angel | Herod | Timothy |
Paul and Barnabas prayed and sang hymns to God at midnight before an earthquake shook the prison
| False | True |