Mark 6:11
Who, after cutting off the thumbs and big toes of others, had his own big toes and thumbs cut off?
| Sisera | Othniel | Adoni-bezek | Ehud |
When does Jesus tell his disciples they will judge the twelve tribes in the kingdom?
| While they disputed about Isaiah's prophecy | While they disputed when the kingdom will come | While they disputed who was the greatest disciple | While they disputed if Jesus was God's son |
Which is the only gospel writer to record the healing of Malchus' ear after it was cut off?
| John | Luke | Mark | Matthew |
Which respected Pharisee advised the Jews to let the apostles alone because if their message was truly from God, no man could fight against them?
| Gabriel | Gamaliel | Caiaphas | Annas |
Who is the only woman we hear of reigning as queen regnant in Israel or Judah?
| Athaliah | Hephzibah | Jezebel | Bathsheba |
Who said "O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear!"?
| Nahum | Habakkuk | Joel | Hosea |
Complete the quote: "This people honours me with their ___ but their heart is far from me."
| Hands | Lips | Sacrifices | Ears |
Which parts of his body did Peter ask Jesus to wash, after being told that unless Jesus washed his feet he would have no part with him?
| Feet and hands | Feet, hands and head | Feet, hands and ears | Head, face and ears |
Jesus refused to pay taxes to Caesar
| False | True |
What did Jesus tell his disciples to sell their cloaks for if they didn't already have one?
| Map | Knapsack | Sword | Staff |