Eye of a needle
Mark 10:25
Complete the saying: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than......."
| For a rich man to enter the kingdom of God | It is to find water in the desert | For an ant to climb a mountain | For a poor man to receive honour |
What is more difficult than a camel going through the eye of a needle?
| A harlot entering the Kingdom of God | A drunkard entering the Kingdom of God | A rich man entering the Kingdom of God | An illiterate man entering the Kingdom of God |
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the poor man was carried to whose side?
| Jacob's | David's | Isaac's | Abraham's |
In a parable told by Jesus, what did the rich man do with the surplus of crops that he grew?
| Built larger barns to store them | Gave them to the poor | Sold them on the market | Allowed them to rot |
Who did Jesus say will enter the kingdom of heaven?
| He who thinks on the things of the Spirit | He who has a righteous heart | He that does the will of my Father | He that is faithful and true |
What did God rain down on the Amorite army as they passed through Beth-Horon, killing more of them than the Israelite army did?
| Quails | Hailstones | Boiling rain | Fire and brimstone |
Who will the least person in the Kingdom of God be greater than?
| Jesus | Peter | John the Baptist | Andrew |