Birds of the air
Matt 6:26
What was Jesus talking about when he said you can't make one hair on your head black or white?
| Oaths | Fasting | Forgiveness | Resurrection |
What did the Canaanite woman talking to Jesus say that the dogs ate that fell from their masters' table?
| Honey | Mouldy figs | Crumbs | Fish |
Who was Jesus talking to when he taught the Lord's prayer?
| Pharisees | John and Peter only | Multitudes | Disciples |
How did Jesus say we should worship God when he was talking to the woman at the well?
| In spirit and truth | With your body and mind | With your whole heart | In love and peace |
What was the first talking animal in the Bible?
| Serpent | Fish | Donkey | Bird |
When he was approached by Jesus, who said, "What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me."?
| Legion | Zacchaeus | Levi | Judas Iscariot |
When a man said to Jesus, "who is my neighbour?", what parable did Jesus reply with?
| The lost coin | The sower | The lost sheep | The good Samaritan |
To whom was Jesus referring when he said, "Go tell that fox, behold I cast out devils?"
| Herod | Caesar | Judas Iscariot | Nicodemus |