John 4:35 - Jesus had met a woman at a well in Sychar of Samaria. The full story is in John 4.
When he was approached by Jesus, who said, "What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me."?
| Legion | Levi | Zacchaeus | Judas Iscariot |
When a man said to Jesus, "who is my neighbour?", what parable did Jesus reply with?
| The sower | The good Samaritan | The lost sheep | The lost coin |
To whom was Jesus referring when he said, "Go tell that fox, behold I cast out devils?"
| Caesar | Nicodemus | Judas Iscariot | Herod |
Who said to Jesus, "increase our faith!"?
| Martha & Mary | The Pharisees | The Apostles | The Samaritans |
What did Jesus give to his disciples as he said "Take, eat, this is my body"?
| Honey | Bread | Fish | Lamb |
What was Jesus talking about when he said, "they neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns"?
| Fish of the sea | Cattle of the field | Birds of the air | Animals of the forest |
Who when accused of being with Jesus lied and said that he did not know him, three times?
| Barnabas | Peter | A Roman centurion | Paul |
What miracle had Jesus performed when he said, "It is I; be not afraid"?
| Walking on water | Raising of Lazarus | Healing of Peter's mother-in-law | Opening of the eyes of the man born blind |