Job 41:1 - Leviathan was possibly a crocodile.
Job wishes his birth day could be consumed by Leviathan, a creature often associated with what?
| Peace | Wisdom | Chaos | Prosperity |
Who does Job call upon to rouse Leviathan in his curse?
| The prophets | Those who curse days | The shepherds | The wise men |
In the letter to the Corinthians, who does Paul say is a "new creature"?
| Any man in Christ | An angel in heaven | Jesus Christ | The apostles of the Lord |
Which creature tricked Eve into eating of the forbidden fruit?
| Spider | Serpent | Rabbit | Monkey |
Who gave names to every living creature?
Aeneas was confined to bed for eight years suffering from the palsy, but which town did he dwell in?
| Lydda | Iconium | Lystra | Antioch |
In whom did Timothy's faith first dwell?
| Lois | Lydia | Tabitha | Anna |
Which tribe's blessing from Jacob said they would "dwell at the haven of the sea"?
| Gad | Judah | Zebulun | Asher |