Gen 41:51
Who was the first born son of David?
| Solomon | Absalom | Daniel | Amnon |
Who was blessed with laughter when her son was born, and named him accordingly?
| Sarah | Rebekah | Leah | Rachel |
Who after seeing a vision of an angel was struck dumb until his son was born and named?
| Zechariah | Athaliah | Jeremiah | Hezekiah |
How old was Abraham when his son Isaac was born?
| 100 | 150 | 90 | 50 |
How old was Sarah when her son Isaac was born?
| 90 | 50 | 120 | 100 |
What did Joseph's brothers do to deceive their father to cover up that they had sold Joseph into slavery?
| Brought back a sandal and a broken staff | Dipped his coat in the blood of a goat | Said he had been taken captive and killed | Said he had fallen into a pit |
Who was the first child born?
| Cain | Abel | Seth | Noah |
What is the name of Jesus' cousin, born six months before him?
| John | Peter | Joseph | James |