1 Sam 18:1,3
David's friend Jonathan was the son of which king?
| Saul | Solomon | Hezekiah | Jehoshaphat |
How many loaves did Christ mention when he spoke about a hungry friend arriving at midnight?
| Four | Two | One | Three |
Which of the following was not a 'friend' of Job?
| Eliphaz | Nahath | Bildad | Zophar |
What did Michal place in David's bed to trick Saul's messengers into believing David was ill?
| Sacks of potatoes | Feathers | An idol | A pig |
It rained for ____ days and nights causing a great flood in the time of Noah
Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for ___ days and nights
Who had a vision of a great sheet filled with unclean birds and other animals?
| Paul | John | Barnabas | Peter |
At whose house was Peter staying when he had the vision of the great sheet filled with animals?
| Mary's | Cornelius' | Paul's | Simon's |
Who suffered great anguish as a result of a dream about Jesus?
| Peter's mother-in-law | Judas | Herod | Pilate's wife |
Who was likened to a "great dragon that lies in the midst of the rivers"?
| Herod | Caesar | Pharaoh | Nebuchadnezzar |