Zeruiah and Abigail
1 Chr 2:16
Which two sisters married Jacob?
| Rebekah and Leah | Hagar and Kehirah | Rachel and Leah | Martha and Mary |
What are the names of Lazarus' sisters?
| Martha and Ruth | Salome and Mary | Joanna and Salome | Mary and Martha |
Abimelech killed his 70 sisters
| False | True |
Which of the following was not a promise God made to David?
| God would be the father of one of David's sons | God will not take his love away from a future son of David | One of David's daughters would be the first queen of Israel | David's son would build a house for God |
Which of the following did Saul not turn to for advice towards the end of his life?
| A witch / medium | Urim | Prophets of Baal | Dreams |
Which of the following birds is deemed clean?
| Raven | Quail | Owl | Stork |
Which of the following was used of God to mean Father?
| Rabbi | Elohim | Abba | Eheyeh |
Which of the following was a way that Jacob fooled Isaac into thinking that he was Esau?
| Wore Esau's garments | Put on sheep skins | Imitated Esau's voice | Made his father drunk |
Who gave birth to a son, following her prayer to God in the temple, during which the priest accused her of drunkenness?
| Rachel | Hannah | Elisabeth | Rebekah |
Which man led the Jews back to the land of Israel, following the captivity, with the intention of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem?
| Hanani | Ezra | Eliashib | Nehemiah |