Josh 8:28-29
Fearing that Saul wanted to kill him, what lie did David ask Jonathan to tell his father if asked why he wasn't at the king's table for the New Moon feast?
| He was ill | He had gone to deliver an urgent message to his uncle | He was moving his flocks to new pastures | He had gone to Bethlehem for a family gathering |
Whom did Joshua succeed as leader of Israel?
| Moses | Abraham | Aaron | Jacob |
To what city did Joshua send two men to spy upon?
| Heshbon | Jericho | Gilgal | Ai |
What did the captain of the Lord's host command Joshua to do?
| Build an altar to the Lord | Take off his sandals | Gather his army against Jericho | Travel to Shiloh |
What signal did Joshua give for the army waiting in ambush behind Ai to attack?
| Raised his shield above his head | Burnt a sacrifice on an altar | Gave a great shout | Held out his spear towards Ai |
The Gibeonites tricked Joshua into making a covenant of peace, but as what did he make them serve the Israelites?
| Brick makers and messengers | Woodcutters and water-carriers | Shepherds and fishermen | Stone-carriers and armour-bearers |
What order did Joshua give to God?
| Make darkness cover the land | Open the ground and swallow the enemies | Make the sun and moon stand still | Make the river flood and drown the enemy camp |
What did Joshua make with the people and elders of Israel at Shechem?
| A sacrifice | A feast | A covenant | A military strategy |
What weapon does the Bible say David did not need to kill Goliath?
| Dagger | Sword | Spear | Bow and arrow |
How many people did Jehu kill and throw in a pit at Beth-eked?
| 18 | 70 | 42 | 12 |