350 years
Gen 9:28
How long did it rain for during the flood that Noah experienced?
| 7 days and 7 nights | 40 days and 40 nights | 30 days and 30 nights | 150 days and 150 nights |
What did God say to Noah, after the flood, would now be the food for humans, in addition to plants?
| Only birds and fish | Every moving thing that lives | Only clean animals | Only animals that they could tame |
What occupation did Noah take up after the flood?
| He became a farmer | He became a shepherd | He became a fisherman | He became a builder |
What did God say He would establish with Noah before the flood?
| A covenant | A temple | A new law | A kingdom |
It rained for ____ days and nights causing a great flood in the time of Noah
Which Book ...records the great flood in the time of Noah?
| Exodus | Ezekiel | Psalms | Genesis |
How did God respond when he smelled Noah’s sacrifice after the flood?
| He commanded Noah to build a temple | He gave Noah a sign in the sky | He promised never to curse the ground again | He sent rain as a blessing |
What promise did God make concerning the seasons after the flood?
| They would continue as long as the earth endures | They would be shortened | They would be reversed | They would become harsher |
What restriction did God place on the consumption of animals after the flood?
| They must not eat flesh with its lifeblood still in it | They must not eat the flesh of certain animals | They must cook all meat thoroughly | They must only eat animals that die naturally |