Gen 7:21 - All that moved upon the land perished, but each land animal was preserved in the ark. There is no mention of the water living creatures so they must have been able to survive the flood waters.
Why wasn't David allowed to build God's house?
| Because of his sin with Bathsheba | Because he was a man of war | Because he didn't have enough money | Because he wasn't a builder |
Fearing that Saul wanted to kill him, what lie did David ask Jonathan to tell his father if asked why he wasn't at the king's table for the New Moon feast?
| He was moving his flocks to new pastures | He had gone to deliver an urgent message to his uncle | He was ill | He had gone to Bethlehem for a family gathering |
What did the crowd shout after Pilate washed his hands and made it clear he wasn't in favour of executing Jesus?
| You are right, he is innocent | Let his blood be on us and on our children | Let us make the decision |
Which of these is not recorded as one of David's three mighty men?
| Joab | Shammah | Josheb-basshebeth | Eleazar |
Several cities are mentioned as being made desolate and becoming a dwelling-place for dragons, but which of these is not one of them?
| Hazor | Jerusalem | Jericho | Babylon |
Which one of these children was born to Rachel?
| Reuben | Naphtali | Asher | Joseph |
Which one of these children was not born to Leah?
| Zebulun | Simeon | Levi | Benjamin |