Gen 21:3 / Gen 27:22 - Jacob was the son of Isaac, the same Isaac who was promised as a child to Abraham.
What relation to Abram was Lot?
| His nephew | His son | His uncle | His brother |
Which relation of Jairus did Jesus heal?
| Nephew | Uncle | Mother | Daughter |
What relation was Lois to Timothy?
| Sister | Grandmother | Mother | Aunt |
What relation was John Mark to Barnabas?
| Uncle | Cousin | Son | Brother |
What relation was Annas to Caiaphas?
| Son | Father-in-law | Grandfather | Nephew |
During Jacob's struggle with the angel, the hollow of which part of Jacob's body was touched and put out of joint?
| Shoulder | Knee | Ankle | Thigh |
What did God's new name for Abraham mean?
| Father of a multitude | Father of rain | Father of the faithful | Father of many heights |
Abraham's wife bore a special son, what was his name?
| Esau | Israel | Isaac | Jacob |