Hebrews 7:1
Jesus was a high priest after the order of which ancient king, mentioned in Psalm 110?
| David | Asa | Melchizedek | Jehoshaphat |
When the apostles were imprisoned by the high priest, at what time of day did the angel release them?
| Sunset | Midday | Dawn | Night |
What is the first jewel to be listed that was on the high priest's breast plate?
| Topaz | Sardius | Jasper | Jacinth |
Which high priest is Zechariah told to crown?
| Eliashib | Joshua | Zadok | Hilkiah |
Who was the father in law of Caiaphas, the high priest at the time of Jesus death?
| Justus | Julius | Annas | Pontius Pilate |
Christ was led away to which high priest first?
| Annas | Josephus | Caiaphas | Vitellius |
Who reformed the temple and the religion of the land as a result of the High Priest finding a lost book of the Law?
| Josiah | Jehoahaz | Amon | Ahaziah |
Who cut off the ear of the High Priest's servant, Malchus?
| John | Philip | Peter | James |
On which day of the year could the High Priest enter the Holiest Place, the inner most part of the temple where the covenant box was kept?
| Passover | Day of Atonement | Feast of Tabernacles | Easter Sunday |
During which feast would the High Priest enter the Holy of Holies?
| Feast of Trumpets | Passover | Feast of Tabernacles | Day of Atonement |