2 Kings 5:10
Naaman was told to wash in the river Jordan seven times to be cured of his leprosy
| True | False |
Who instructed Naaman to wash in the Jordan to heal him of leprosy?
| Ezra | Elijah | Elisha | Ezekiel |
Which prophet of God told Naaman to wash in the river Jordan to cure his leprosy?
| Samuel | Elijah | Micah | Elisha |
Which river was Naaman told to wash in to rid himself of leprosy?
| Euphrates | Abana | Jordan | Pharpar |
What river did Naaman have to wash in seven times to become clean?
| Abana | Jordan | Pharpar | Euphrates |
Joshua instructed that 12 stones were taken with them across the Jordan
| True | False |
Which prophet did the young maid of Naaman's wife suggest could heal Naaman of his leprosy?
| Jeremiah | Elijah | Isaiah | Elisha |
How many stones did the Israelites take from the dry river bed of the Jordan?
| 153 | 12 | 40 | 7 |
Moses led the children of Israel over the river Jordan into the Promised Land
| True | False |
What did Jonathan dip the end of his staff into and eat?
| Honey | Stewed lamb | Oil | Crushed figs |