Bible Trivia Question

Who made a golden calf for the Israelites?


Exodus 32:3-4

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The Israelites danced before the golden calf Aaron made
| True | False |

What compelled the Israelites to form and worship the golden calf?
| They created it as repentance for their sins | They made it as a symbol of their freedom from slavery | They didn't know what had happened to Moses | They wanted to make a statue to the Lord |

Who claimed that the golden calf simply came out of the fire?
| Moses | Joshua | Aaron | Isaac |

What golden animal did the Israelites make as an idol?
| Golden Serpent | Golden Lamb | Golden Eagle | Golden Calf |

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| Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego | Daniel | Queen Esther | Korah, Dathan and Abiram |

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| Prodigal son | Isaac | Jacob | Joseph |

Which Parable is this from? : And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate.
| Friend at midnight | Prodigal son | Wise servant | Marriage feast |

What did God specifically command concerning the thanksgiving offering that the Israelites made?
| The animal must be without defect | It must consist of two turtledoves or pigeons | They must eat it on the day it is offered. | No yeast must come into contact with the offering |

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