Forty days
Genesis 8:6-7 - After forty days, Noah opened the window of the ark and sent out a raven.
How many days after sending out the first dove did Noah wait before sending it out again?
| Three days | Forty days | Seven days | Ten days |
How many days did God give Noah to prepare before the floodwaters came after announcing he would send rain?
| Seven days | Three days | Ten days | Forty days |
Who sent a raven out of a window?
| Ahab | Elijah | Noah | Jezebel |
How many days and nights did it rain for in the story of Noah's Ark?
| 48 | 40 | 24 | 50 |
How many times did Noah send out the dove?
| Two | Three | Four | One |
What was the first bird that Noah let out of the ark?
| Raven | Dove | Duck | Eagle |
What was the first thing Noah built when he came out of the ark?
| Altar | Tabernacle | House | Stable |
How many of each clean animal did God instruct Noah to take into the ark?
| Three pairs | Two pairs | Seven pairs | One pair |
How many of each unclean animal did Noah bring into the ark?
| Three pairs | Five pairs | One pair | Seven pairs |