It was dry
Genesis 8:14 - By the time Noah and his family left the ark, the earth was dry.
What was the state of the earth just before the flood?
| Prosperous and peaceful | Filled with violence and corruption | Covered in darkness | Overflowing with water |
Who shut Noah and his family in the ark once they entered?
| Noah himself | An angel | Noah’s sons | The Lord |
How long did Noah, his family, and the animals stay in the ark?
| 120 days | Seven months | About one year | Forty days and forty nights |
Job expresses a longing for what state of existence in his lament?
| Health | Death | Wealth | Peace |
In which Gospel does Jesus state that he is the "Bread of Life?"
| Luke | Mark | John | Matthew |
How is Noah described in Genesis?
| A prophet among his people | Righteous and blameless | A mighty warrior | A skilled carpenter |
How many days and nights did it rain for in the story of Noah's Ark?
| 48 | 40 | 50 | 24 |
Why did Abram and his family change course and go to Egypt?
| There was a famine in the land | To bury their father | They had to attend a census | They went to rescue Lot |