Gen 32:22-25
How many smooth stones did David take from the brook?
| One | Five | Two | Seven |
During Jacob's struggle with the angel, the hollow of which part of Jacob's body was touched and put out of joint?
| Shoulder | Thigh | Ankle | Knee |
An angel wrestled with Jacob and put his shoulder out of joint?
| True | False |
Jacob wrestled with an angel
| False | True |
On which mountain did the angel of the Lord appear to Moses from the burning bush?
Which king told David that he was "as an angel of God"?
| Agag | Abia | Ahaziah | Achish |
The angel said to Mary that Jesus would reign over the house of which Old Testament character?
| David | Jacob | Abraham | Solomon |
Which angel told Daniel the meaning of his vision of the ram and the goat?
| Uriel | Raphael | Gabriel | Michael |
Which priest lost his ability to talk because he didn't believe an angel's prophecy?