12 years
How many years had the woman with the issue of blood been suffering with her problem, before Jesus healed her?
| 4 years | 12 years | 8 years | 16 years |
What did the woman with the issue of blood touch to be made well?
| A brass serpent | Jesus' garment | The Ark of the Covenant | Water in Siloam |
Which Parable is this from? : For John the Baptist has come eating no bread and drinking no wine, and you say, 'He has a demon.'
| Vineyard workers | Children in market | Unclean spirit | Rich fool |
Fill in the missing number : Aeneas was bedridden for ____ years before Peter came and healed him.
How many years did the Lord add to Hezekiah's life after being healed of his sickness?
| 8 | 14 | 15 | 10 |
Who suffered great anguish as a result of a dream about Jesus?
| Peter's mother-in-law | Herod | Judas | Pilate's wife |
For how many days did Goliath issue his challenge to the Israelites?
| Twenty | Thirty | Forty | Ten |